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What Is The Fantastic Camera Setting For Sunny Day?

camera setting for sunny day
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You recently bought your first DSLR camera, so you’ll head to the park, the beach, or a great and sunny outdoor spot to take pictures of your loved ones.

You take a few pictures, and they look terrible. That’s because even the most seasoned photographers find it difficult to take pictures in the middle of the day. So, to help you achieve optimal camera setting for strong sunlight and take some great outdoor photos, here’s a guide.

Since photography is essentially about manipulating light, the first logical step is to learn about the Sun, the main source of light we see in the sky every day. In this article, we will help you take the best outdoor photos with camera setting for sunny day.

Why Should You Not Take Photos In Bright Sunlight?

Photos In Bright Sunlight

Throughout the day, the height of the sun affects its brightness and how it interacts with the world around us.

As the sun rises overhead, its brightness and intensity increase; the world becomes brighter and more illuminated as light reflects and bounces off all surfaces.

At noon, a large amount of bright light coming from various angles is now passing through the lens and hitting the sensor.

The sharp, black shadows produced by direct sunlight and strong reflections dazzle your subject. Too often, highlights are blown out and it is difficult to get the desired exposure.

You have to modify the camera setting for sunny day and the camera’s target according to the lighting conditions to fix this in your photos. It’s time to put your pride aside, face your worries and start pressing those ominous buttons and spinning those ominous dials…

The Best Camera Setting For Sunny Day

The Best Camera Setting For Sunny Day

What is the great camera setting for sunny day? Every manually operated camera has three basic adjustable parameters: shutter speed, aperture, and ISO.

Camera Speed

About the camera setting for sunny day, the shutter speed determines how long the sensor is exposed to light; for example, a fireworks display in the night sky will be captured in three seconds, while a sharp action sports photo will be captured in 1/1000 of a second.


The diameter at which the shutter opens is known as the aperture on the camera setting for sunny day. Although more light is let in with a larger diameter (measured in F-stops), the depth of field will be shallower.

When photographing a landscape, this could imply that the mountains in the backdrop are sharp while the flowers in the foreground are hazy, using an F-stop of 2 to 5. You would need a smaller shutter diameter to keep a bigger region of focus in your image, which you could get by increasing the F-stop between 9 and 12.


The last factor of the best camera setting for sunny day is the sensor’s own sensitivity, which is controlled by the ISO setting. Your exposure will increase and the image will become brighter when the ISO value is increased. This is very useful when there is little light. The drawback is that using an ISO setting that is too high would result in soft, grainy images.

Three-Factor Integration

The photographer’s goal is to strike a balance between these three factors in the camera setting for sunny day to get the desired results. The goal of action sports photography is to capture clear shots of the action when it’s happening quickly. A fast shutter speed and high F-stop will aid in stopping motion and keeping the action in focus, but maintaining brightness will require a trade-off with a higher ISO and possibly grain.

On a sunny day, I want to start with my camera setting for sunny day at 1/800, ISO 800 and F-8 to capture fast-moving action. Then I’ll make adjustments, maybe lowering the ISO if it’s bright, increasing the shutter speed if there’s motion blur, or increasing the F-stop if I’m having trouble focusing on the action.

You can reduce the ISO and shutter speed to your liking if you are shooting still images. You can set the ISO to 50 and the shutter speed to 1/250 on a sunny day. Reduce the number of F-stops and increase the shutter speed to increase light while taking photos with a narrow depth of field and bokeh in the foreground and background.

Underexposure To Bright Light

Exposing low-light photos by one stop is a method that usually works well for those of you who use photo editing software (and I highly recommend learning if you don’t).

Most cameras these days handle shadows better than highlights. As a result, even if your image contains “hot spots” of brightness, you’ll have more success taming them and enhancing shadows if your image is a bit underexposed.

However, don’t underexpose too much or your image may get too noisy. One stop is enough, however, two stops may be acceptable under particularly bright light.

How to Avoid Using Harsh Sunlight in Your Photos

How to Avoid Using Harsh Sunlight in Your Photos

Using a polarizing filter in the camera setting for sunny day—not the kind you put on your Instagram cat, but a round piece of glass that attaches to the tip of your lens—is one of my favorites.

Only wavelengths of light traveling at a particular angle can pass through a polarizing filter. This results in images with better color and exposure by significantly reducing the amount of reflected glare that bounces off everything around you. On a clear day, I find it especially useful when shooting close to the water.

By preventing reflections from the sides and reducing glare on the lens, the lens hood is also very useful for camera setting for sunny day. While it may not always be convenient, you should avoid shooting directly into the sun. When facing the sun, the face of the subject you will be viewing will be in shadow and may be backlit, making it difficult to balance exposure.

Best Sun Angle For Photography

To me, simply not shooting in strong sunlight seems to be the best and most successful method to avoid it (really advanced advice, right?).

The best times to go out and experiment with photography with the sun’s rays are in the morning and late afternoon. Less light is emitted from the surface while the sun is low in the sky. Compared to midday, there is less difference between highlights and shadows, and the shadows are softer.

Let’s face it, the world is simply more beautiful at dusk and dawn, when orange lights descend from the sky and everyday scenes at midday appear absolutely breathtaking after five o’clock. When every press of the shutter button creates a whole new work of art, who doesn’t want to be outside in the morning or at night?


Now that you know it, the camera setting for sunny day doesn’t seem so scary anymore. Take your camera outside, play with the buttons, and capture the moments you love. Taking a bad photo is the worst thing you can do. Hey, that’s why the delete button was created!

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